Blocking, RA play, secondary defender's heels raised above Restricted Area line Blocking, RA play, secondary defender’s heels raised above Restricted Area line Blocking, RA play, secondary defender positioned inside the Restricted Area
“This is an example of a defensive foul for blocking as the secondary defender is positioned inside the Restricted Area. The offensive player with the ball, Jaylen Brown, drives to the basket. The secondary defender, LeBron James, has his right foot on the Restricted Area line, and he then raises his heels up over the line as the contact occurs. This is a defensive foul. Even though the defender’s toes are touching the floor outside the arc, this ‘heels raised’ position above the Restricted Area arc line is not legal. To be considered legal, and to draw an offensive foul, a secondary defensive player must have both feet established completely outside the Restricted Area line, and he must establish his position before the offensive player starts his upward shooting motion. Please note that the Restricted Area is the area within the arched line on the court below the rim. It applies to secondary defenders and was established to ensure offensive players have room to drive to the basket without allowing defensive players an unfair advantage in drawing an offensive foul.”